TikTok vs Instagram: 9 Key Differences All Brands Must Know (2024)

If you own a business and you’re looking to break into the social media game, then you’ve probably considered two of the best-selling platforms: TikTok vs Instagram. But with each boasting unique features and functionality, deciding which of these platforms is right for your business can feel like a minefield.

Our goal here at LitCommerce is to help you navigate this process by providing an in-depth comparison between Instagram vs TikTok. At a glance, here is what TikTok is different from Instagram:

  • TikTok vs Instagram popularity
  • TikTok vs Instagram user demographics
  • Instagram or TikTok content formats and styles
  • Instagram vs TikTok algorithm and reach
  • TikTok vs Instagram for business
  • TikTok vs Instagram influencer marketing opportunities
  • TikTok vs Instagram marketing
  • TikTok vs Instagram engagement and interaction
  • TikTok vs Instagram analytics

So, TikTok vs Instagram for business, which one is better? Let’s delve into it right now.

TikTok vs Instagram: What are Differences?

When it comes to TikTok vs Instagram, each has its own distinctive features and functionalities tailored to different needs. Instagram focuses more on visual storytelling and community, while TikTok emphasizes entertaining viral videos.

#1. TikTok vs Instagram popularity

TikTok vs Instagram: 9 Key Differences All Brands Must Know (1)

The first difference between TikTok and Instagram is its popularity.


TikTok has exploded in popularity over the past few years, particularly among younger users. The global user base for the platform exceeds 1 billion, with a large percentage of those users between the ages of 16 and 24.

TikTok’s algorithm, which suggests content to users based on their interests and behavior, has helped to keep users engaged and has contributed to the platform’s popularity.


On the other hand, Instagram has been around for much longer and has a more diverse user base. With over 2.3 billion active users worldwide across various age groups, Instagram has risen to popularity largely due to its visually rich content and engaging Stories feature.

The platform emphasizes photo and video sharing in a way that allows users to express themselves and connect through immersive visual storytelling creatively.

#2. TikTok vs Instagram user demographics

TikTok vs Instagram: 9 Key Differences All Brands Must Know (2)

Due to its popularity, there is a significant difference between TikTok and Instagram. TikTok tends to attract a younger audience, with over 60% of users being under 30. Instagram’s audience skews slightly older.


TikTok has a predominantly young user base, with 41% of its users being those aged 16 to 24. However, the platform has seen an increase in users aged 25 to 34, with 27% of users falling in this age group.

TikTok has a global presence and is particularly popular in Asia, with China being the largest market. Nevertheless, the platform has also seen a surge in popularity in the United States and Europe.

With its demographic, TikTok users are known for their short-form video content, with lip-syncing, dancing, and challenges being popular formats. Users also engage with the platform through likes, comments, and shares.


On the other hand, Instagram has a more diverse user base, with 33% of users being between the ages of 25 and 34. However, the platform is still popular among younger users, with 29% of users between 18 and 24.

Instagram is also popular worldwide, with the United States being the largest market. However, the platform is also popular in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

Instagram users engage with the platform through sharing photos and videos, liking and commenting on posts, and using hashtags. The platform is also popular among influencers who use it to promote products and services.

#3. Instagram or TikTok content formats and styles

TikTok vs Instagram: 9 Key Differences All Brands Must Know (3)

Both TikTok and Instagram offer unique content formats and styles that cater to different audiences and purposes. Instagram is better for longer visual stories and photos, while TikTok’s short videos encourage more casual, authentic content that easily goes viral.

Here are some of the main differences between Instagram vs TikTok content:


TikTok is known for its short-form videos that typically range from 15 to 60 seconds. Here are some of the main features of TikTok content:

  • Video length: TikTok videos are short-form, typically ranging from 15 to 60 seconds.
  • Video orientation: TikTok videos are primarily vertical.
  • Editing features: TikTok offers a wide range of editing tools and effects, including filters, music, text, and transitions.
  • Content style: TikTok content often focuses on humor, dance, challenges, and lip-syncing.
  • Audience engagement: TikTok has a highly engaged and interactive community, with features like duets, reactions, and comments.


Instagram allows for longer videos up to 60 minutes (IGTV), but most videos are 1 minute or less. Here are some of the main features of Instagram content:

  • Video length: Instagram allows for longer videos up to 60 minutes (IGTV), but most videos are 1 minute or less.
  • Video orientation: Instagram supports both vertical and horizontal videos.
  • Editing features: Instagram has more limited editing options compared to TikTok. For this reason, many brands or influencers choose to create social media videos for Instagram outside of the app, via dedicated editing software.
  • Content style: Instagram content can be more varied, including photos, videos, stories, reels, and IGTV.
  • Audience engagement: Instagram offers a range of engagement options, such as likes, comments, shares, and direct messages.

By understanding the unique features of TikTok and Instagram content, you can create more effective and engaging content on both platforms. It also helps you decide if it is better to use TikTok or Instagram for business.

#4. Instagram vs TikTok algorithm and reach

The fourth difference between TikTok and Instagram is its algorithm and reach. TikTok’s algorithm is very effective at predicting what content users will engage with based on their interests. Instagram also has a strong algorithm but reach depends more on follower count.


TikTok’s For You Page algorithm holds the key to discovery. It delves into engagements to discern user interests, aiming to showcase a diversity of videos endlessly. This helps new creators potentially gain swift traction. Tracking preferences via signals, the algorithm customizes the experience and lets all find audiences. Its emphasis on organic virality renders TikTok popular for creators and businesses.


Instagram evolved from chronological to personalized feeds. The algorithm examines engagement like likes, comments, and shares. Hashtags and geotags boost reach by enabling discovery beyond followers.

The algorithm tailors content individually. It incentivizes creators and businesses to craft posts that engage specific audiences. Understanding followers helps produce resonant material with increased visibility.

By focusing on individual tailoring, engagement of audiences, and understanding of followers, creators can optimize their content for maximum visibility.

Whether you choose to focus on TikTok’s viral potential or Instagram’s visual storytelling, managing your online presence across multiple platforms can be a challenge. LitCommerce simplifies this process by allowing you to seamlessly integrate your online store with both TikTok and Instagram (Facebook Shop). Effortlessly showcase your products, manage inventory, and handle orders all from one central dashboard. Discover how LitCommerce can streamline your social commerce selling

#5. TikTok or Instagram for business

TikTok vs Instagram: 9 Key Differences All Brands Must Know (4)

Both TikTok and Instagram offer powerful features for businesses to engage customers and drive sales online through their shopping features, like TikTok shop and Instagram shop.

You may ask, “Why is Instagram better than TikTok?” or why choose TikTok over Instagram? It all depends on your business type.

For new businesses, Instagram streamlines reaching audiences and driving sales. Its mature tools require less optimization. Growing companies could later leverage TikTok’s massive user base once comfortable with video content and strategy.


TikTok offers powerful live streaming and ecommerce capabilities through features like TikTok Shop and live streams.

  • TikTok Shop: Allows businesses to tag products and link to online stores for shopping directly on TikTok videos and livestreams.
  • Live streaming: Businesses can go live to interact with customers and promote new products/services in real time. According to a report, trends often start on TikTok first before moving to other platforms.
  • Metrics: TikTok provides metrics like views, likes, and comments to help businesses analyze engagement and return on ad spend.

If you’re a new seller, you may need to learn how to set up a TikTok shop.


Instagram enables businesses to create and promote various types of branded content through Reels and Instagram insights.

  • Reels: Similar to TikTok, reels allow businesses to create short-form entertaining videos to engage customers. As mentioned in Instagram, different parts of Instagram like Feed, Explore, and Reels each have their own algorithms.
  • Branded content: Businesses can create long-form branded content and promote them as ads or organic posts. Instagram also discusses updates that make it easier for brands to create and share branded content.
  • Analytics: Instagram Insights provides metrics on reach, engagement, and followers to help businesses optimize performance.

#6. TikTok vs Instagram influencer marketing opportunities

TikTok vs Instagram: 9 Key Differences All Brands Must Know (5)

Both TikTok and Instagram offer unique opportunities for influencer marketing, each with its own strengths and strategies. However, TikTok could offer more opportunities to work with rising influencers.


Influencer collaborations on TikTok have proven to be highly effective, with many brands seeing significant increases in engagement and reach. The types of content that perform well with influencers on TikTok include challenges, dances, and comedic skits.

TikTok offers several unique opportunities for influencer marketing:

  • Hashtags: Leverage trending hashtags to find relevant influencers and audiences. Brands can use tools such as the Creator Fund, which connects brands with relevant creators, or influencer marketing platforms like AspireIQ and Upfluence.
  • Live streams: Influencers can live stream product demos or Q&As to deepen engagement. Businesses can sponsor streams.
  • Branded effects: Partner with top creators to develop viral effects and challenges that spread organically.
  • Short videos: Influencers can seamlessly integrate products into entertaining videos in their styles. Videos are shareable.
  • Review channels: TikTok’s growing “Keep it 100” and review communities present marketing opportunities. Creators can honestly review products, building trust with audiences.
  • Shopping cart: The cart allows influencers to earn affiliate commissions. Businesses benefit from influencers advertising products right on the app through to purchase.

TikTok’s features provide influencers new ways to authentically partner with brands while businesses gain innovative advertising and potential sales channels.

You’re just starting out selling on TikTok? Read our guide on how to use TikTok for business.


Instagram offers versatile formats for influencer partnerships:

  • Sponsored posts: Influencers can be paid to create traditional sponsored posts promoting brands to their engaged followers.
  • Stories: Products can be featured in influencer Stories through links, mentions, or visuals. Stories drive high engagement.
  • IGTV videos: Influencers make longer branded videos for IGTV, giving more space to review products or services in-depth.
  • Polls and questions: Brand collaborations using these features foster higher follower participation and interaction.
  • Live videos: Similar to Instagram Stories, live videos allow real-time product demonstrations and Q&As with followers.
  • Collabs: Influencers working together amplify reach by creating joint Reels for higher follower counts.

With its diverse content formats, Instagram provides flexible solutions for influencer marketing campaigns tailored to business goals and creator styles. Ongoing tests of new tools like affiliate programs may further expand opportunities.

So, to answer your question, TikTok or Instagram for business, you need to understand the strengths and strategies of each platform. Then, engage with influencers and reach your target audience.

#7. TikTok vs Instagram marketing

When it comes to marketing, is TikTok better than Instagram? Both platforms allow advertising and organic posting. Instagram ads are more photo and video-based, while TikTok encourages video ads matching their format.


TikTok’s advertising platform, TikTok Ads Manager, offers a range of ad formats, including Branded Effects, In-Feed Ads, and Hashtag Challenges.

In-feed ads appear in users’ feeds, while Branded Effects allow brands to create custom filters and effects for users to apply to their videos. Hashtag Challenges encourage user-generated content and can be a highly effective way to increase engagement.

Besides, TikTok offers a wide range of targeting options, including age, gender, location, interests, and devices. Budgeting strategies include options for daily or lifetime budgets, with bidding options for cost-per-click or cost-per-impression.

Besides, the LitCommerce tool allows for simple synchronization of your store’s product catalog with other major online marketplaces. This helps expand product visibility and sales channels. Please reach out if you need assistance setting up a TikTok integration for your online store.


Instagram’s advertising platform, Facebook Ad Manager, offers various ad formats, including Video Ads, Carousel Ads, Photo Ads, Stories Ads, and Explore Ads.

Photo Ads and Video Ads appear in users’ feeds, while Carousel Ads allow users to swipe through multiple images or videos. Stories Ads appear in users’ Stories, while Explore Ads are shown to users browsing the Explore page.

Instagram’s targeting options include demographics, interests, behaviors, and custom audiences based on data from a business’s website or app. Budgeting strategies include options for daily budgets or lifetime budgets, with bidding options for cost-per-click or cost-per-impression.

Unsure which platform is right for you? Test the waters! Explore the power of TikTok & Instagram selling with LitCommerce’s TikTok integration and see what works for your brand.

#8. TikTok vs Instagram engagement and interaction

TikTok vs Instagram: 9 Key Differences All Brands Must Know (6)

TikTok and Instagram offer unique opportunities for engagement and interaction with their respective communities. TikTok’s short video format makes it very shareable and likely to gain wider viral reach than individual Instagram posts.


TikTok thrives on interaction through comments, duets, and stitches – creative ways users engage. Brands can foster this by prompting challenges/UGC or collaborating with influencers. Responding to comments under strategic hashtags boosts visibility in the engaged community.


Instagram provides many engagement avenues like comments, likes, DMs, polls, and questions. Meaningful interactions – answering messages, showcasing fans, hosting Q&As – cultivate loyalty. As the algorithm elevates highly engaging material, brands should craft conversation-inspiring content.

#9. TikTok vs Instagram analytics

TikTok and Instagram offer analytics tools that allow businesses to track their performance and optimize their strategies. However, TikTok analytics vs Instagram are a little different. TikTok’s metrics may be more geared toward video performance, while Instagram focuses more on followers and engagement.


Metrics to monitor TikTok include views, likes, shares, comments, and engagement rates. Tracking key metrics provides insights into what content resonates most with an audience, allowing businesses to refine their strategies accordingly.

Platforms like TikTok’s analytics dashboard and third-party tools like HypeAuditor help track TikTok’s performance.


Some key metrics to track on Instagram for insight are reach, impressions, engagement rate, and click-through rate. Monitoring these provides a well-rounded view of audience interaction and content performance.

Besides, Instagram Insights, the platform’s built-in analytics tool, provides businesses valuable metrics to understand audience engagement and identify ways to improve. Key metrics shed light on demographics’ top-performing content and help businesses better understand their audience.

The Verdict:

So, TikTok vs Instagram, which is better? The choice between TikTok vs Instagram for business depends on your business type and goals. Businesses selling trendy fashion or beauty products should use TikTok to capitalize on viral videos and showcase items visually.

Instagram remains better for businesses in industries like food, home goods, or art, where high-quality photos drive engagement. Local businesses seeking older customers can also benefit most from Instagram’s broad, older user base.

TikTok vs Instagram – FAQs

  • Is TikTok better than Instagram?

    Both TikTok and Instagram have their own unique features and audiences. TikTok is suitable for businesses targeting a younger audience and can create engaging short-form videos. On the other hand, Instagram is ideal for showcasing products or services visually and engaging with the audience through influencer marketing and user-generated content.

  • Do people prefer Instagram or TikTok?

    People’s preferences between Instagram and TikTok vary depending on their age and interests. While Instagram has a wider age range of users, TikTok is more popular among younger audiences, with most users under 30 years old. Additionally, TikTok is preferred by some for its creative and entertaining content, while others favor Instagram for its photo-sharing features and blog-like posts.

  • Why do people use TikTok over Instagram?

    According to Social Media Today, TikTok is preferred over Instagram as it allows users to express themselves more authentically, with an average of 53% of TikTok users trusting others to be their real selves on the platform. In contrast, TikTok’s emphasis on short, entertaining videos and its algorithms have made the platform appealing by allowing users to freely express themselves without pressure to project perfection. Instagram can sometimes have the opposite effect on self-perception with its focus on polished images.

  • Is it easier to go viral on Instagram or TikTok?

    Both Instagram and TikTok have the potential for content to go viral, but the factors contributing to virality may differ between the two platforms. Instagram has a wider audience range, while TikTok’s algorithm promotes content based on user interests and engagement, making it easier for accounts with a smaller following to potentially go viral.

TikTok vs Instagram for Business: Which One Suits You Most

In conclusion, choosing between Instagram vs TikTok for business depends on various factors, including target audience, marketing goals, and content type. Here are some key differences between the two platforms to consider:

  • TikTok vs Instagram popularity
  • TikTok vs Instagram user demographics
  • Instagram or TikTok content formats and styles
  • Instagram vs. TikTok algorithm and reach
  • TikTok vs Instagram influencer marketing opportunities
  • TikTok vs Instagram marketing
  • TikTok vs Instagram engagement and interaction
  • TikTok vs Instagram analytics

If you would like additional details or recommendations on this topic, please feel free to contact us. We also encourage you to check out our Retailer Blog and Facebook group, where LitCommerce regularly shares informative perspectives on the constantly changing landscape of eCommerce.

TikTok vs Instagram: 9 Key Differences All Brands Must Know (2024)


TikTok vs Instagram: 9 Key Differences All Brands Must Know? ›

TikTok vs Instagram – FAQs

What are the differences between Instagram and TikTok? ›

As mentioned earlier, there are different formats you can create content in for these two platforms. TikTok is only concerned with video content creation and sharing, while Instagram is more comprehensive in its features. Also, Instagram supports relatively long-form videos.

What is the difference between TikTok and other social media platforms? ›

TikTok differs in content format, tone, and audience demographics from other digital platforms. While Facebook and Instagram cater to a broader audience, TikTok attracts a younger, trend-focused demographic.

What is the difference between TikTok analytics and Instagram analytics? ›

These two social media platforms have analytic tools that track different metrics. TikTok analytics allow you to monitor views, comments, likes, shares, and engagement rates. On the other hand, Instagram Insights tracks reach, engagement rates, impressions, and click-through rates.

What is the difference between TikTok shop and Instagram shop? ›

Generally, TikTok Shop excels in promoting impulse buying with its viral content and live sales. They cater to a younger audience through high engagement features like in-video links. On the other hand, Instagram shop provides a more curated shopping experience.

What does Instagram have that TikTok doesn't? ›

One thing that sets Instagram apart from TikTok is that it's easier for many companies to build a following on Instagram. Even “boring” businesses can use Instagram to promote their story, their mission, or their products, and they are likely to reach a wider audience.

Why is TikTok better than Instagram reels? ›

Video Length

TikTok offers greater flexibility with videos lasting up to 10 minutes, evolving from its initial 15-60 second limit to accommodate longer-form content. Meanwhile, Instagram Reels caps videos at 90 seconds, an increase from its previous 60-second maximum.

Is TikTok or Instagram better for growth? ›

Instagram is the clear frontrunner in influencer marketing, and that is due in large part to its tenure and social commerce prowess. That said, TikTok is a fast-growing creator network with the most engagement options on social media.

How does TikTok beat Instagram? ›

Its algorithm is optimized for the users who made the platform popular: influencers. But by focusing on its power users, the platform loses out on engagement by regular people. TikTok's secret sauce is its ability to keep users on the platform, and without sacrificing its core, Instagram won't be able to compete.

What's better for business, TikTok or Instagram? ›


TikTok: TikTok's advertising costs may vary depending on factors like target audience, ad format, and campaign objectives and goals. It can be relatively cost-effective, especially for reaching younger demographics. Instagram: Instagram's advertising costs are generally higher compared to TikTok.

Does TikTok collect more data than Instagram? ›

It also seems to estimate your household income, and knows how expensive the smartphone or laptop you're scrolling on is. That's a lot of data – but it's worth noting that TikTok does not seem to collect more data than other social media companies.

Can I post the same thing on TikTok and Instagram? ›

The answer is 'yes,' but with a few caveats. Video elements such as music and visual effects should be tailored for each social platform. Instagram Reels and TikTok videos both often use their own specific fonts and motion graphics that users expect to see.

Are TikTok and Instagram connected? ›

With your TikTok account linked to your Instagram profile, you can seamlessly share your video content. No more mobile notifications or jumping onto your accounts after-hours to post TikToks. Start auto posting your TikToks now!

Is it easier to grow on TikTok or Instagram? ›

And because TikTok keeps getting more and more popular, especially among Gen Z and soon Gen alpha, there's always new fans to discover new creators like you. In summary, if you're looking for rapid growth, TikTok may be your best bet, while Instagram offers a middle ground between stability and reach.


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.