Spanish Asparagus Revuelto Recipe (2024)



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Sandra Bates

Delicious! Used sun dried tomatoes in lieu of chorizo for a vegetarian version which came close to what I recall of my many years living in Madrid.


Not EVERY spanish dish has to include chorizo, you know. The asparagus revuelto I've always known includes ham, which has a softer flavour.

A very popular alternative: add shrimps instead.


This was a great find in my in-box as I had all the ingredients on hand, except for chorizo and sun dried tomatoes were a fine substitute. Only suggestion: lower the heat to medium-low when you add the eggs, otherwise they cook too fast and get dry. You want them to be really creamy.


Quick, easy, filling, delicious. Made vegetarian with veggie chorizo- turned out great!


Change one of the key ingredients, then say you don't like it and speculate why? Okay, but not helpful.


I had to look it up: pimenton is smoked or Spanish paprika, and is available in stores.


Made this tonight, delicious, however I mistakenly misread pimenton for pimentos (pickled red pepper), thought the 1/2 tsp amount was ridiculous so used 2 oz. I think it was a brilliant mistake, the pimentos added such a piquant flavor.
Added to my recipe box.


Made this just as noted but for two people, so used Six eggs instead of eight, leaving all other amounts as written, very nice! If for lunch, I'd leave out the bread, but for dinner the bread filled out the meal nicely.


Could not disagree more. Panchetta and chorizo are completely different. To each their own.


We used 1 lb. of fresh chorizo to go with 6 eggs. This was like breakfast for dinner, with a good bottle of red wine. Also, with one person chopping/prep and one person manning the stove, it comes together in about 15 min. An excellent, quick and easy spring dinner!


No chorizo at home. But some decent bacon. Did the whole recipe with the bacon. Not same as chorizo but the combo - bacon, asparagus and eggs - really worked.


I've made this several times. However, I prefer the thicker asparagus. They are much sweeter than their thin cousins. To compensate, I slice them diagonally and blanch for 2 min, dump into icy water and drain. They are partially cooked and ready for the sauté. Additionally, I find that when adding pimentón directly to eggs, it clumps, even beaten furiously; so I sprinkle it onto with the bread cubes and garlic. This is such a delicious recipe!


I made this multiple times last summer, so thanks for the reminder! A versatile meal, great for dinner or brunch. Be sure not to overcook the eggs.

Donna Harrison

Goodness gracious this was DELICIOUS! Hit all the right notes. I used tender red spring onions instead of scallions and the flavor and texture were perfect for this dish. Otherwise, I can't think of a thing I would change. I served a salad of spring lettuces and greens with a citrus vinaigrette and it was a perfect meal!


Made for company June 2016. Very delicious! I was worried that the spices, meat, and egg would "drown out" the asparagus, but its lovely grassy flavor came through well. I subbed bacon instead of chorizo (because I had it on hand), and because the bread was fresh & homemade, we had it on the side as toast. We also reduced the number of eggs, only one egg per person.

Love to Cook

Made it for an easy dinner. Used veggie chorizo, but added almost 6 ozs instead of 2ozs, it turned out great. This is a delicious and simple meal.


It's spring here in New Zealand and asparagus is in the shops. This recipe was delicious. We used a plant-based chorizo and it was perfect, and we felt virtuous. I peeled the bottom half of the asparagus spears because they were a bit thick (no pencil thin variety to be had), and this meant that the tips and bottoms cooked at the same rate. Essentially an elegant bacon and scrambled eggs---what's not to love.


I’m surprised by this chorus of hosannas. I hewed closely to the recipe, was sure to season well, but found it rather awkward. The parsley was off-putting, and the smoked paprika indeed clumped, even with my trusty egg whisk. I’ll put it down to tastes!


I made this as written for lunch. Easy, delicious, not much mess. It will definitely be in my brunch and spring weeknight supper rotation. In reading other posts, I agree ham or sun dried tomatoes or even highly seasoned roasted mushroom pieces would substitute well for the chorizo. And, they the piquancy of pimento (pickled red pepper) would be a nice addition.

Sarah B Ledbetter

Wild onions are a great addition, and to go vegan, there are great plant based chorizos.


I plan to. Do you have a fav brand? Thanks.

Love to Cook

Trader Joe's has a delicious spicy chorizo.

Doug S.

The proportions of ingredients may vary based on your feelings. For instance, I don't care for croutons so I just skip Step 1. Then start with 1 Tbsp. olive oil and stir fry about half as much thicker asparagus as called for, for about 5 minutes. Then add the chorizo which is generally fully cooked when purchased. Then add 2 thinly sliced green onions, rather than a whole bunch, with the minced garlic. Add pimenton to taste after eggs. The parsley, like the bread, can easily be skipped.


This has been on my to-make list for so long and I finally made it. it’s SO GOOD! Made this with the intent of having leftovers so after the stir fry was done, I took half out and only added half the eggs. I saved the cooked garlic from step 1, chopped it up and added it with the minced garlic.


Very good. I skipped the chorizo. It was fine and very delicious. I added back the browned garlic cloves, chopped up, when I added the other minced garlic.


I have made this once again. Fabulous on a night where you kind of wonder what in heck are you going to have for dinner. Asparagus? Check. Bread? Frozen baguette in freezer -check. Sausage? One piece of ‘ Beyond Meat Italian sausage’ in freezer…check… onions, garlic and you have a great dinner with all food groups and leftovers. What is better than that?! Added a martini.


This is an interesting dish, it’s not so eggy that it feels like breakfast for dinner. You taste the garlic and the asparagus and the yummy breadcrumbs. Made as written except reduced the eggs to 5 as there are only 2 of us, but we ate every bite. Also replaced chorizo with bacon, and wiped out the pan a bit before adding the asparagus. Very easy and quick,


Intrigued by the recipe. Attempted to follow religiously.... Little confused about the need to stir w/ a wooden spoon. Defaulted back to trusted egg spatula, and stirred well. Very good flavor. Really enjoyed the texture, and the Spanish paprika. Teen son says "plain eggs, no paprika next time."

Kara Morehouse

Amazing. We eat Gluten Free so roasted red potatoes (small cubes) and used them instead of the Bread on Step One. Killer Good!

Sandra H.

Delicious! This was a wonderful Sunday night supper and will be a great brunch dish in the future. Loved it!


Really good! I used sun-dried tomatoes instead of chorizo and served it with olives and a green salad for very satisfying dinner.


Substituted 4 slices of bacon for chorizo, shallots for scallions and chipotle for pimenton. Super delectable. It’s a great way to cook young asparagus. Bravo!

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Spanish Asparagus Revuelto Recipe (2024)


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