Baby Shower Planning Guide (2024)

Baby Shower Planning Guide (1) Baby Shower Planning Guide (2)

Baby Shower Overview

A typical baby shower lasts about 2-3 hours. As guests arrive, they are offered food and drinks and they mingle. Once all of the guests have arrived and had a chance to enjoy food and drink, about 30-45 minutes into the shower, the games begin. There are usually 3-5 different games lasting for another 30-45 minutes. After all of the games have been played and prizes awarded, the guest of honor opens her gifts. Then cake is served and the party ends. As a host, your day might start with preparing the food to be served at the shower. You should try to prepare as much as you can before the shower to avoid the stress of trying to get everything done before your guests arrive. It's a good idea to enlist the help of a few friends to set up for the party including decorating the venue.

Host To-Do's

Pre-Planning: One-Two Months Before the Shower

Your first job is to coordinate with the mommy-to-be on the date of the shower, the guest list, and the location of the shower so you can send out baby shower invitations. Here are your first steps to planning an awesome baby shower!

  1. Set the date. – the first thing to do is figure out a date that works for the guest of honor
  2. Make a guest list. – some things to consider are whether the shower will be for just the mom, a couples shower, all-female or co-ed, kids or no kids.
  3. Send save-the-dates. – once you have a firm date, it's a good idea, especially if the shower is more than 2 months away, to send out save-the dates. Save-the-dates can be mailed, e-mailed, or via electronic invitation (such as Evite, Pingg, and Paperless Post). At this time, you may or may not have chosen a venue yet, but it's still a good idea to get the date on everyone's calendar
  4. Choose a venue. – baby showers are often held at home, whether it's the home of the mommy-to-be or the host, but can also take place at a restaurant, tea house, banquet hall, park or any other space that can accommodate the party
  5. Order and send invitations. – once the venue is locked down, order your invitations and mail them to your guests. Consider ordering some invitations that match your baby shower theme or venue.

Planning the Details: 3-4 Weeks Before the Shower

Now that the date is drawing closer, it's time to plan the details of the shower! This is the fun part when you get to decide on the food, the games, the theme, and decorations.

  • Food – when planning the menu, take a cue from the theme of the baby shower and the time of day. If it's a tea party, your menu should consist of dainty finger sandwiches, sweets and pastries. If it's a spa shower, a cold noodle salad and fresh fruit might hit the spot. If the shower starts at 11 or noon, guests are probably expecting lunch, but if it's an afternoon shower, snacks and finger foods are perfect. If cooking isn't your thing, ask your favorite restaurant if they cater.
  • Decorationsbaby shower decorations can vary depending on the venue and the baby shower theme. A cute banner or garland goes a long way, but don't forget to accessorize it with plenty of balloons, paper poms, or lanterns. Hang your main decorations where most of the activity will take place (for instance, where the gifts will be opened) so that it makes a good backdrop to the pictures. Get some table settings that match the colors and set out some pretty flowers to add a special touch.
  • Games – Baby showers traditionally involve various games, although they are not strictly necessary. If you do decide to play some games, some popular baby shower games include "Baby Shower Bingo", "Baby Shower Price is Right", and "Dirty Diapers" among others.
  • Prizes – Be sure to purchase some prizes for the winners of your games to keep things interesting. Depending on the budget and number of games planned, you can pick up simple yet practical gifts such as stationery or kitchen accessories that anyone would find useful.
  • Favors – don't forget to order baby shower favors as a parting gift for guests. Favors can range from candy to toys or small keepsakes. Edible baby shower favors are always a hit and can make the perfect keepsake for a co-ed shower.

Baby Shower Etiquette FAQs

Here are answers to a few commonly asked questions baby shower etiquette:

Who should host the baby shower?
Typically, moms, sisters or friends of the parents-to-be host the baby shower, but anyone can play the part of the host(ess).

Are men allowed to attend baby showers?
Couple's showers or co-ed baby showers are very popular-- after all, it's just as important to shower the daddy!

How long do baby showers last?
A baby shower usually lasts 2-3 hours. Budget about 30-45 minutes at the beginning for guests to arrive, nibble on some food, and mingle with one another before the games / entertainment begin. Spend the next 30-45 minutes playing games. And the rest of the time having cake and opening gifts.

What are appropriate baby shower gifts?
The mom and/ or dad-to-be usually register at their favorite stores for baby shower gifts, but if in doubt, think about items that the couple will most need in the first few months. Items such as diapers, bottles, and plenty of onesies are always needed.

Is it okay to throw a shower for the second child?
Sure! It is perfectly okay to have a "second time mommy" baby shower. Many moms opt to have a smaller shower the second time around so make sure to talk to the guest of honor before planning on throwing one.

What kind of games do you play at a baby shower?
Baby shower games often serve as entertainment and as ice breakers for guests who may not know one another. Click here for a list of fun (and funny) baby shower games.

What are some baby shower themes?
A theme can be helpful in pulling together the look of the baby shower. If the guest of honor has a special interest or hobby, like cooking or crafts, you might plan a baby shower around those themes and incorporate them into the invitations, activities, gifts and decorations. Check out our comprehensive list of popular baby shower themes for more ideas.

Baby Shower Planning Guide (2024)


What if no one plans a baby shower? ›

Subtly mention to your mom, sister, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and best friends that no one has offered to throw you a shower. Sometimes people are happy to throw one for you, but they just assume that someone else has already offered. This will give them an opening to offer on their own.

How far in advance should I plan a baby shower? ›

Gilbert recommends hosting the shower in the mother's sixth or seventh month—the sweet spot between first-trimester nausea and third-trimester exhaustion—and leaving yourself about two months to organize a venue, menu, and décor.

Is 8 months pregnant too late for a baby shower? ›

The short answer is that there's no "right" time — some parents opt for a shower early on in their pregnancies, while others wait until a week or two before their due dates. Ultimately, the timing of your baby shower depends on what works for you, your family and the person hosting the event.

Who pays for first baby shower? ›

Most often, the host pays for the baby shower. This is not always one person. For example, several aunts and cousins might cover the full tab of a shower at a restaurant, or a group of coworkers may help coordinate all the decorations, food and fun.

What is the order of activities for a baby shower? ›

What Happens at a Baby Shower?
10:00Greeting guests, serving snacks or hors d'oeuvres, playing casual games like guessing the date of birth or gender
10:30Welcome and interactive games
11:30Lunch or desserts
2 more rows
Aug 20, 2023

Who usually plans a baby shower? ›

Traditionally, baby showers were hosted by close female friends or not-so-immediate female relatives (like aunts or cousins) of the mom-to-be. But times have changed, and now it's considered acceptable for just about anyone to host this celebration.

Should the mom pay for the baby shower? ›

The host pays for the expenses of the baby shower. That being said, co-hosting a shower with one or two others is a good way to split the costs (and the planning).

Do mothers usually plan their own baby shower? ›

Absolutely! In fact, many parents decide to put together their own baby shower, so it's exactly how they want it to be. But that doesn't mean that parents are the only ones that can arrange the baby shower event. Many baby showers are put together by family members, friends, or co-workers – and sometimes all three.

Is it better to have a baby shower on Saturday or Sunday? ›

Best Time of Week for a Baby Shower

Weekends are often ideal because less people have work scheduled and are able to attend. Saturdays and Sundays are also the time-honored choice, so more traditional mothers will likely prefer this option.

What is the most common month for baby showers? ›

There's no hard and fast rule, but many baby showers happen one or two months before the baby's due date. Throwing the shower sooner is fine, too; maybe there are scheduling constraints or concerns about the baby arriving early, for example.

Do you eat or play games first at a baby shower? ›

Budget about 30-45 minutes at the beginning for guests to arrive, nibble on some food, and mingle with one another before the games / entertainment begin. Spend the next 30-45 minutes playing games. And the rest of the time having cake and opening gifts. What are appropriate baby shower gifts?

Who not to invite to your baby shower? ›

The modern baby shower has no strict rules: You can invite whoever the family wants to be included. Just be sure to clearly state whether or not you're accommodating +1's.

What if no one offers to throw you a baby shower? ›

As this user demonstrates, it's ok to ask for what you want. So, don't be afraid to tell your close friends and family that no one is throwing you a baby shower. Sometimes, your loved ones may assume that someone else is doing it, which is why they haven't offered. If still no one offers, there's no need to worry.

What month of pregnancy is best for a baby shower? ›

As a fast rule, baby showers are often held at the end of the second trimester or early to midway through the third trimester — usually four to six weeks before the due date. Expectant parents who are having multiples may prefer to have the baby shower on the earlier side.

Who is supposed to plan a baby shower? ›

Who plans and hosts a baby shower? According to tradition, baby showers are typically hosted by a friend or distant relative (like a cousin or an aunt) instead of an immediate family member. This custom is believed to have developed to avoid the appearance that the family was simply on a mission to collect gifts.

What is the procedure for a baby shower? ›

Step-By-Step: How to Plan a Baby Shower
  1. Step 1: Put Together the Guest List. ...
  2. Step 2: Pick a Theme. ...
  3. Step 3: Put Together a Registry. ...
  4. Step 4: Choose a Date, Time, and Place. ...
  5. Step 5: Send Out Invites. ...
  6. Step 6: Pick Out Decorations. ...
  7. Step 7: Plan Activities. ...
  8. Step 8: Choose the Menu.
Sep 7, 2022


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