909 Adjectives that Start with S (S Adjectives in English) • 7ESL (2024)

Last updated on June 18, 2024 by Emma Grace


Are you searching for a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with S with meanings and examples? If so, your search ends here! In this article, you will find 900+ S adjectives that can be used to describe everything in English!

Adjectives that Start with S

What Are Adjectives that Start with S?

Adjectives are important in language as they help to provide more detail and color to the words that we use.

The letter S is the seventh most common letter in English. As a result, there are many examples of adjectives that start with S, such as:shy, silly, strong, sophisticated, serious, satisfied, sincere, stunning, sensational, sublime, and swift. There are many other S adjectives, and they can be used to describe a variety of people, places, and things.

Descriptive Adjectives that Start with S

Below are descriptive adjectives that start with S.

Sabbatical“He took a sabbatical year to write a book.”
Sacred“The temple is a sacred place for worship.”
Saddled“She was saddled with a huge debt after college.”
Sage“The sage advice from his mentor saved his business.”
Sallowish“The patient looked sallowish due to illness.”
Salmon“The salmon-colored shirt was her favorite.”
Samoan“The Samoan dance was a highlight of the festival.”
Sandy“The beach was sandy and perfect for sunbathing.”
Sapphire“The sapphire gemstone was stunning.”
Sappy“The sappy movie made her cry.”
Satin“She wore a satin dress to the party.”
Savage“The savage beast attacked the hunter.”
Savory“The savory aroma of the stew made his mouth water.”
Scented“The scented candles filled the room with fragrance.”
Scotch“She enjoyed listening to Scottish music.”
Seabound“The seabound ship sailed towards the horizon.”
Seagoing“The seagoing vessel was equipped for a long journey.”
Seasick“She felt seasick during the stormy voyage.”
Seaside“They spent the weekend at a seaside resort.”
Seasoned“The seasoned chef cooked a delicious meal.”
Seated“The seated audience applauded the performance.”
Seaworthy“The seaworthy vessel sailed through rough waters.”
Secret“He kept his secret plan to himself.”
Secretarial“She applied for a secretarial position in the office.”
Secretory“The secretory gland released hormones into the bloodstream.”
Sedentary“His sedentary lifestyle led to health problems.”
Seedy“The seedy motel was not a safe place to stay.”
Seemly“She wore a seemly dress to the formal event.”
Segmented“The segmented orange was easy to peel.”
Segregated“The segregated school system was unfair.”
Seldom“He seldom visited his grandparents.”
Select“The select few were invited to the exclusive event.”
Self-evident“The self-evident truth was that the sun rises in the east.”
Senile“Her senile grandfather often forgot things.”
Senior“The senior executive made the final decision.”
Senseful“His senseful words inspired the team.”
Sensual“The sensual dance performance was captivating.”
Sentient“The sentient animals should be treated with care.”
Septic“The septic wound needed medical attention.”
Sequestered“The sequestered cabin in the woods was peaceful.”
Serious“The serious matter required immediate attention.”
Sessional“The sessional exams were held at the end of the semester.”
Set“The set schedule could not be changed.”
Seven“The seven wonders of the world are impressive.”
Seventh“The seventh chapter of the book was exciting.”
Sexual“The sexual attraction between them was strong.”
Shady“The shady tree provided a cool spot to rest.”
Sheepish“She gave a sheepish smile after her mistake.”
Shelled“The shelled nuts were difficult to crack.”
Shifty“He had a shifty look in his eyes when he spoke.”
Shocking“The shocking news left everyone speechless.”
Shooting“The shooting star was a beautiful sight to see.”
Shrill“Her shrill voice was hard to ignore.”
Shuttered“The shuttered windows kept the room cool and dark.”
Shy“The shy child hesitated before speaking to the group.”
Sided“The coin was two-sided with heads and tails.”
Sighted“The sighted bird watched the other animals from afar.”
Signatory“The signatory countries agreed to work together.”
Significant“The significant increase in sales was good news.”
Silly“The silly joke made everyone laugh.”
Silver“The silver necklace shone in the light.”
Single“He lived in a single room apartment.”
Sinless“The sinless child was an angel in everyone’s eyes.”
Sizable“The sizable crowd filled the stadium.”
Smirking“He couldn’t help smirking after winning the game.”

Positive Adjectives that Start with S

Below are adjectives that start with S that indicate something positive.

Saccharine“The saccharine movie left me feeling nauseous.”
Sacred“The sacred temple was a place of pilgrimage.”
Safe“The safe driver always wears a seatbelt.”
Saintly“The saintly woman devoted her life to helping others.”
Salaried“The salaried employee received a yearly bonus.”
Salvageable“The damaged car was still salvageable.”
Salvaged“The salvaged artifacts were carefully restored.”
Sanctified“The sanctified church was a sacred space.”
Sane“The sane person knew not to jump off the bridge.”
Sanitary“The sanitary conditions in the hospital were top-notch.”
Sapient“The sapient scholar had many valuable insights.”
SatisfactoryAcceptable or sufficient
Savable“The savable animal was released back into the wild.”
Scenic“The scenic view of the mountains was breathtaking.”
Scented“The scented candles filled the room with a sweet scent.”
Scheduled“The scheduled meeting was moved to next week.”
Schematic“The schematic diagram made the complex system easy to understand.”
Scholarly“The scholarly article was published in a prestigious journal.”
Scientific“The scientific research provided new insights into the human brain.”
Scintillating“The scintillating fireworks lit up the night sky.”
Scrumptious“The scrumptious meal was a feast for the senses.”
Seamless“The seamless transition from one topic to another kept the audience engaged.”
Secure“The secure facility required a keycard for entry.”
Select“The select group of candidates were invited for an interview.”
Selected“The selected team members were the best performers.”
Senior“The senior manager oversaw the project.”
Sensational“The sensational performance received a standing ovation.”
Serious“The serious tone of the conversation was noticeable.”
SharpThe chef used a sharp knife to cut the vegetables precisely.
SharpenedThe carpenter sharpened the chisel before starting the project.
SheerThe sheer curtains allowed sunlight to filter into the room.
ShiningThe stars were shining brightly in the clear night sky.
ShinyThe new car had a shiny exterior that sparkled in the sunlight.
ShowyThe peaco*ck’s feathers are incredibly showy and colorful.
SignificantThe discovery of a new species was a significant event for the scientists.
SimplifiedThe teacher simplified the math problem for her students.
SincereShe gave a sincere apology for her mistake.
SisterlyThe two sisters had a very close and sisterly relationship.
SizableThe company made a sizable profit this quarter.
SkilledThe musician was skilled at playing multiple instruments.
SkillfulThe artist was skillful in painting realistic portraits.
SkinnyShe was so skinny that her clothes hung loosely on her frame.
SlenderThe ballerina had a slender figure that suited her profession.
SmartShe always got excellent grades in school because she was very smart.
SmarterShe was always the smarter one in her group of friends.
SmartestThe smartest student in the class received a scholarship.
SmilingThe little girl was smiling and laughing as she played with her toys.
SmokelessThe new electric car was completely smokeless.
SnappyThe model wore a snappy outfit that caught everyone’s attention.
SoaringThe eagle was soaring gracefully above the mountain tops.
SocialShe was very social and loved meeting new people.
SocraticThe teacher used a Socratic method of teaching in her class.
SoftThe baby’s skin was soft and delicate to the touch.
SofteningThe apology letter had a softening effect on their relationship.
SoothedThe mother’s lullaby soothed her crying baby to sleep.
SoothingThe sound of the waves crashing on the shore was soothing.
SpaciousThe apartment had a spacious living room and kitchen.
SparklingThe sparkling water reflected the sunlight and looked beautiful.
SpecialThe restaurant offered a special menu for Valentine’s Day.
SpecialistThe IT specialist fixed the computer issue quickly and efficiently.
SpecificThe instructions for the experiment were very specific.
SpectacularThe fireworks show was a spectacular sight to see.
SpeedyThe delivery arrived in a speedy manner, just in time for the event.
SpiritedThe spirited performance by the dancers brought the audience to its feet.
SpiritualThe spiritual retreat helped her find inner peace and tranquility.
SplendidThe view from the top of the mountain was splendid.
StabilityThe company’s financial stability gave investors confidence.
StableDespite the chaos around her, she remained stable and focused.
StaidThe staid businessman always dressed in a conservative suit.
StandardThe hotel has standard rooms as well as luxury suites.
StandingThe athlete held a standing position for several minutes.
StatelyThe mansion had a stately entrance with towering columns.
SteadfastHis steadfast commitment to his principles never wavered.
StimulatingThe art museum’s exhibit was visually stunning and stimulating.
StraightHe always told her the straight truth, even if it was difficult.
StrategicThe company’s strategic plan involved expanding into new markets.
StunningThe sunset over the ocean was absolutely stunning.
SturdyThe old wooden chair was surprisingly sturdy.
StylishHer new dress was so stylish that everyone complimented her.
SuaveThe suave gentleman at the bar offered to buy her a drink.
SublimeThe mountain view from the hotel was simply sublime.
SubstantiatedThe claim was substantiated by several reliable sources.
SuccessfulAfter years of hard work, she finally became a successful author.
SufficientThe food portions at the restaurant were more than sufficient.
SuitableThe job was not suitable for someone without experience.
SuperThe superhero had super strength and was able to lift heavy objects.
SuperbThe chef’s culinary skills were superb, and the food was delicious.
SuperiorThe company’s superior customer service set it apart from its competitors.
SuppleThe yoga instructor was incredibly supple and graceful.
SupremeThe supreme court’s decision was final and binding.
SureHe was sure that he had made the right decision.
SurvivableThe extreme weather conditions were barely survivable without proper gear.
SustainableThe company’s sustainable practices have helped reduce their carbon footprint.
SwankyThe hotel had a swanky rooftop bar with a beautiful view of the city.
SweetThe sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the kitchen. She has a sweet personality and always helps others.
SwiftThe swift cheetah is known for being the fastest land animal.
SymmetricalThe butterfly’s wings were perfectly symmetrical, creating a beautiful pattern.
SympatheticThe sympathetic nurse held the patient’s hand and listened to their concerns.
SystematicThe teacher created a systematic study plan for her students to follow.

Negative Adjectives that Start with S

SadFeeling or showing unhappiness or gloominess
SaddenedFeeling or showing sorrow or grief
SaltyHaving an unpleasantly bitter or saline taste
SanctimoniousMaking a show of being morally superior to others
SarcasticUsing irony to mock or convey contempt
SardonicGrimly mocking or cynical
SassyShowing a lack of respect in a humorous or playful way
SavageFierce, violent, and uncontrolled
ScaldingVery hot or burning
ScalyCovered in scales, dry, and flaky
ScandalousInvolving immoral or shameful behavior
ScantBarely sufficient or inadequate
ScantySmall or insufficient in quantity or amount
ScaredAfraid or anxious
ScarredMarked or injured by a scar
ScaryCausing fear or alarm
ScathingSevere and critical
ScorchingExtremely hot
ScornfulFeeling or expressing contempt or derision
ScragglyScruffy and untidy
ScratchedHaving marks or abrasions caused by scraping or scratching
ScratchyIrritating or rough to the touch
ScrawnyThin and bony
ScreamingVery loud or shrill
ScruffyShabby and untidy
ScummyCovered or containing a layer of dirt or filth
SeditiousInciting or causing rebellion against the government
SeedyShabby and squalid in appearance or environment
SelfishConcerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, or welfare
SenselessLacking meaning or coherence
ShabbierIn worse condition or less stylish than something else
ShabbiestThe most untidy, scruffy, or dilapidated
ShabbyWorn and shabby in appearance
ShallowHaving little depth or substance
ShamFake or false
ShamefulBringing shame or disgrace
SheepishShowing embarrassment or a lack of confidence
ShowyOstentatious or flashy
ShriekingMaking a loud, high-pitched sound
ShrillHigh-pitched and piercing
SickAffected by illness or disease
SickenedMade ill or disgusted
SickeningCausing a feeling of disgust or nausea
SicklyUnhealthy or pale in appearance
SidelinedRemoved from active participation
SinisterGiving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening
SkepticalNot easily convinced or persuaded
SketchyNot fully described or explained
SkittishNervous or easily frightened
SlimyCovered in or producing a thick, wet, slippery substance
SloppyMessy and careless in appearance or behavior
SlowMoving or operating at a low speed
SluggishLacking energy or alertness
SmellyHaving an unpleasant odor
SmoggyFilled with smoke, fog, or chemical fumes, causing poor air quality and reduced visibility
SmudgedHaving marks or stains that blur or dirty the surface
SnarlingGrowling or showing teeth in anger or frustration
SneakyActing in a secretive or dishonest way
SnideDisparaging or mocking in an indirect way
SnobbishCondescending or arrogant towards others considered inferior
SnootyBehaving in a superior or aloof manner
SnoringMaking loud noises while sleeping
SoggyWet and waterlogged
SoleAlone or only, without others of the same kind or type
SorePainful, inflamed or tender to the touch
SorryFeeling regret, remorse or sadness for something wrong or disappointing
SparseThinly spread, scarce or limited in number
SpasmodicSudden and uncontrollable, often in a jerky or irregular way
SpasticInvoluntary, jerky or uncontrolled movements of the muscles
StagnantStale or foul due to lack of movement, circulation, or progress
StaleNo longer fresh, lacking liveliness or interest
StarkBare, simple or bleak, without decoration or color
StereotypedConforming to a fixed or oversimplified image or idea
SternSerious, strict or severe in manner or attitude
StiffLacking flexibility or suppleness, difficult to move or bend
StiltedStiff, formal, or unnatural in manner or style
StingingCausing a sharp, intense pain or discomfort
StingyUnwilling to spend or share money, time or resources
StragglySparse and spread out, unkempt and untidy
StrandedStuck or left behind without resources or help
StressfulCausing mental or emotional strain or pressure
StrictDemanding or enforcing rules or discipline rigorously
StubbyShort and thick in a way that is unattractive or awkward
StumblingTripping or losing balance while walking or speaking
StunnedShocked, surprised or confused to the point of being unable to act or speak
StutteringSpeaking with interruptions or repetitions of sounds or words
SubduedQuiet and restrained, lacking energy or excitement
SubmissiveWilling to submit to the authority or control of others
SubordinateLower in rank, position or importance
SubservientWillingly obedient to someone in authority, submissive
SubversiveSeeking to undermine or overthrow an established system or authority
SullenSulky, bad-tempered or uncommunicative

Personality Adjectives that Start with S

Below are 50 adjectives that start with Sthat describe a personality.

SadFeeling or showing sorrow or unhappiness
sad*sticTaking pleasure in causing others pain or suffering
SarcasticUsing irony or mockery to convey contempt or humor
SardonicDisdainfully or ironically mocking
SassyBold, cheeky, or impudent in a lively way
SaucyBold and lively, with a touch of impudence
SavageBrutal or untamed in nature
SavvyShrewd and knowledgeable, especially in business
ScholasticAcademic or scholarly in nature
ScornfulExpressing contempt or disdain
SecretiveInclined to conceal one’s thoughts or intentions
SeductiveTempting or enticing, especially sexually
Self-absorbedExcessively focused on oneself
Self-assuredConfident and self-reliant
Self-centeredConcerned primarily with one’s own interests
Self-directedAble to guide oneself or one’s own activities
Self-disciplinedHaving control over one’s own behavior
SelflessConcerned more with the needs and wishes of others
Self-reliantCapable of relying on oneself for support or guidance
SensibleRational and practical in one’s thinking or actions
SensuousRelating to or arousing the senses or physical pleasure
SentimentalOverly emotional or nostalgic
SereneCalm, peaceful, and untroubled
SeriousEarnest, solemn, or grave in demeanor or tone
Short-temperedProne to becoming angry or irritable quickly
ShrewdClever, astute, or sharp in practical matters
SillyAmusingly absurd or frivolous
SincereGenuine, honest, and without pretense
SkepticalHaving doubts or reservations about something
SnarkySarcastic or critical in an annoying or witty way
SneakyActing in a sly or underhanded way
SnobbyCondescending or disdainful towards others
SociopathicExhibiting antisocial behavior and a lack of empathy
SoftheartedTending to be compassionate or sympathetic
SomberGrave or serious in mood or tone
SpiritedLively, energetic, or enthusiastic
SpiritlessLacking energy, enthusiasm, or vitality
SpiritualRelating to or concerned with the human spirit or soul
SpitefulMaliciously or vengefully resentful
SpoiledIndulged excessively or treated with excessive care
SpontaneousArising naturally or without premeditation
SpunkyFull of spirit, courage, or determination
SteadfastFirmly fixed or unwavering in purpose or loyalty
StingyUnwilling to give or spend generously
StubbornUnreasonably or obstinately determined
StudiousDiligent and hardworking in one’s academic pursuits
SubmissiveWillingly obedient or passive
SullenMorose or sulky in disposition or mood
SupportiveProviding encouragement, help, or emotional support to others
SurprisedFeeling or showing astonishment or wonderment about something unexpected

Adjectives that Start with S to Describe a Person (not Personality)

SameNot different or changed from what is already known
SardinianRelating to or from the Italian island of Sardinia
SatanicRelating to Satan or devilish, wicked behavior
ScarceIn short supply, rare or insufficient
ScarredMarked with a scar or scars, damaged or injured
ScaryCausing fear or alarm, frightening
ScholarlyIntellectual, learned, knowledgeable
ScotchRelating to Scotland or its people, or whiskey made there
ScottishRelating to Scotland or its people
ScratchedMarked or damaged by scratching
ScratchyProne to cause itching or discomfort when touched
ScreamingShouting loudly, piercingly or with fear or excitement
ScruffyShabby or unkempt in appearance
SculpturedCarved or molded into a specific shape or design
SeatedBeing in a sitting position
SecularNot religious or spiritual in nature
SedateCalm, composed, and dignified in manner
SeedyRun-down, squalid, or disreputable
SenegaleseRelating to Senegal or its people
SenileShowing signs of old age, memory loss, or mental decline
SeniorHaving a higher rank or longer tenure than others
SensationalCausing great interest or excitement
SentientHaving consciousness or the ability to perceive sensation
SeparatedNo longer together or connected
SerbianRelating to Serbia or its people
ServiceableUseful or functional but not particularly attractive
ShakyUnsteady or insecure in movement or position
ShapelyHaving an attractive or well-proportioned shape
ShelteredProtected or shielded from harm or danger
ShockingCausing a strong emotional reaction, often negative
ShortHaving a small height or duration
ShudderingTrembling or shaking violently
SicilianRelating to Sicily or its people
SickIll or unwell, suffering from a disease or ailment
SickeningCausing a feeling of disgust or nausea
SicklyWeak or frequently ill
SilentNot making any noise or sound
SimpleBasic, uncomplicated, or easy to understand
SinfulMorally wrong or wicked
SinlessFree from sin or moral wrongdoing
SittingBeing in a seated position
SixEqual to the sum of five and one
SixtyEqual to ten multiplied by six
SizableFairly large or significant in size
skan*yDisgusting or unpleasant in appearance or behavior
SkinnyUnusually thin or slender
SlenderGracefully thin or delicate
SlightSmall in amount or degree, subtle
SlimAttractively thin or slender
SloppyMessy, untidy or careless in appearance or behavior
SlothfulLazy, indolent or disinclined to exert effort
SlovakianRelating to Slovakia or its people
SlovenlyUntidy, messy, or careless in appearance or behavior
SlowMoving or operating at a low speed
SmallLittle in size or amount, not large
SmartIntelligent, clever or quick-witted
SmilingShowing a happy or friendly expression with the mouth
SmoothHaving an even or regular surface or consistency
SnugComfortably warm, cozy or fitting tightly
SoberNot affected by alcohol or drugs, serious or solemn
SoftHaving a pleasing texture or gentle character
SoldierlyLike or befitting a soldier, brave or disciplined
SolidFirm, stable or having a uniform structure
SomalianRelating to Somalia or its people
SophisticatedCultured, worldly-wise, or complex
SorePainful or tender to the touch, injured or inflamed
SorryFeeling regret, sympathy, or sadness
SpanishRelating to Spain or its people
SparseThinly dispersed, meager, or scarce
SpentUsed up, exhausted or depleted
SplendidMagnificent, impressive or excellent
SpotlessClean, untarnished or free from blemishes
SpryActive, nimble or lively for one’s age
StableFirmly established, steady or not likely to change
StartledSurprised or frightened suddenly
StatelyDignified, impressive or grand in appearance
StatuesqueResembling a statue, graceful or imposing
StillNot moving, quiet or tranquil
StirringExciting, thrilling or emotionally moving
StockyShort, thickset or sturdy in build
StoutBulky, strong or having a substantial build
StraightHaving a uniform direction, honest or without curves
StrongPhysically powerful, robust or intense
StungPierced or pricked sharply, usually by a pointed object
StunnedOverwhelmed with surprise, shock or disbelief
StupidLacking intelligence or common sense
SturdyStrongly built, robust or tough
SubstantialLarge in size, amount or degree
SuperiorHigher in quality, status, or rank
SuppleFlexible, pliable, or easily bent
SureConfident or certain, free from doubt or hesitation
SurlyBad-tempered, unfriendly or rude
SurprisingUnexpected, astonishing or causing surprise
SwaziRelating to Eswatini (Swaziland) or its people
SwedishRelating to Sweden or its people
SweetHaving a pleasing taste, smell or personality
SwissRelating to Switzerland or its people
SwollenAbnormally enlarged or puffy, often due to injury or illness
SympatheticCompassionate, understanding or supportive
SyrianRelating to Syria or its people

Related: Words that Start with S

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909 Adjectives that Start with S (S Adjectives in English) • 7ESL (1)Pin

List of Adjectives that Start with S

Adjectives that Start with Sa

  • Sabbatical
  • Sabine
  • Sable
  • Saclike
  • Sacral
  • Sacred
  • Sacrificial
  • Sad
  • Saddened
  • Sadder
  • Saddled
  • sad*stic
  • Safe
  • Sagacious
  • Sage
  • Sagittal
  • Saharan
  • Sainted
  • Salable
  • Salacious
  • Salaried
  • Saleable
  • Saline
  • Salivary
  • Sallow
  • Salt
  • Salted
  • Salty
  • Salubrious
  • Salvageable
  • Salvaged
  • Salvific
  • Same
  • Sanative
  • Sandaled
  • Sanded
  • Sandy
  • Sane
  • Sanguinary
  • Sanguine
  • Sanguineous
  • Sanitary
  • Sanitized
  • Sapid
  • Sapiens
  • Sapient
  • Sapless
  • Saponaceous
  • Sapphic
  • Sappy
  • Sarcastic
  • Sardonic
  • Sartorial
  • Sassy
  • Satanic
  • Satiable
  • Satiated
  • Satiric
  • Satirical
  • Satisfactory
  • Satisfied
  • Satisfying
  • Saucy

Adjectives that Start with Sc

  • Scabby
  • Scabrous
  • Scalable
  • Scalar
  • Scalding
  • Scalloped
  • Scandalous
  • Scant
  • Scanty
  • Scapular
  • Scared
  • Scarred
  • Scenic
  • Scented
  • Scentless
  • Sceptered
  • Scheduled
  • Schematic
  • Schismatic
  • Scholastic
  • Sciatic
  • Scientific
  • Scorbutic
  • Scornful
  • Scotch
  • Scrappy
  • Scratched
  • Scratchy
  • Screechy
  • Screwball
  • Screwy
  • Scrimpy
  • Scriptural
  • Scrotal
  • Scrubbed
  • Scrubby
  • Scrumptious
  • Scrupulous
  • Sculptural
  • Sculptured
  • Scummy
  • Scurfy
  • Scurrilous
  • Scurvy

Adjectives that Start with Se

  • Seagoing
  • Sealed
  • Seamed
  • Seamy
  • Sear
  • Seared
  • Searing
  • Seasonable
  • Seasonal
  • Seasoned
  • Seaward
  • Secretarial
  • Secretive
  • Sectional
  • Sedative
  • Seditious
  • Seductive
  • Sedulous
  • Seeable
  • Seedy
  • Segmental
  • Segregated
  • Seismic
  • Seldom
  • Selective
  • Self-absorbed
  • Self-assured
  • Self-centered
  • Self-directed
  • Self-disciplined
  • Self-evident
  • Selfish
  • Selfless
  • Self-reliant
  • Sellable
  • Semantic
  • Semiaquatic
  • Semiconscious
  • Semiformal
  • Semiliquid
  • Seminal
  • Semiofficial
  • Semiotic
  • Semipermeable
  • Semiprecious
  • Semite
  • Semitic
  • Semitropical
  • Senior
  • Sensate
  • Sensational
  • Sensible
  • Sensitive
  • Sensual
  • Sensuous
  • Sentential
  • Sententious
  • Sentient
  • Sentimental
  • Separable
  • Separated
  • Separatist
  • Sequent
  • Sequential
  • Sequestered
  • Sequined
  • Seraphic
  • Serial
  • Serious
  • Serologic
  • Serological
  • Serrated
  • Serviceable
  • Sessional
  • Setaceous
  • Severable
  • Several
  • Severe
  • Sexist
  • Sexless
  • Sexual
  • Sexy

Adjectives that Start with Sh

  • Shady
  • Shaggy
  • Shakable
  • Shameful
  • Shameless
  • Shaped
  • Shapeless
  • Sharp
  • Sharpened
  • Shaven
  • Shifting
  • Shiftless
  • Shifty
  • Shimmery
  • Shining
  • Shiny
  • Shivery
  • Shocked
  • Shocking
  • Short
  • Short-tempered
  • Showy
  • Shrinkable
  • Shriveled
  • Shuttered
  • Shy

Adjectives that Start with Si

  • Sick
  • Sickened
  • Sickening
  • Sickish
  • Side
  • Sided
  • Sightless
  • Sigmoidal
  • Signal
  • Signed
  • Significant
  • Silent
  • Silky
  • Silly
  • Silver
  • Similar
  • Simple
  • Simplex
  • Simplified
  • Simplistic
  • Simulated
  • Simultaneous
  • Sincere
  • Sinful
  • Single
  • Singular
  • Sinkable
  • Sizable
  • Sizeable

Adjectives that Start with Sk, Sl

  • Skeptical
  • Sketchy
  • Skilled
  • Skillful
  • Skinny
  • Slanderous
  • Sleeved
  • Slick
  • Slicked
  • Sliding
  • Slight
  • Slighted
  • Slightest
  • Slighting
  • Slim
  • Slimed
  • Slimy
  • Slivery
  • Sloppy
  • Sloshed
  • Slothful
  • Slow
  • Slumberous
  • Slummy
  • Slushy

Adjectives that Start with Sm

  • Small
  • Smart
  • Smarter
  • Smartest
  • Smashing
  • Smiling
  • Smoggy
  • Smoking
  • Smoky
  • Smooth
  • Smoothed
  • Smoothened
  • Smudged
  • Smudgy
  • Smutty

Adjectives that Start with Sn

  • Snafu
  • Snaky
  • Snappish
  • Snappy
  • Snarky
  • Snazzy
  • Sneak
  • Sneaking
  • Sneaky
  • Snide
  • Sniffy
  • Snobby
  • Snooty
  • Snoring
  • Snotty
  • Snowy
  • Snub

Adjectives that Start with So

  • Soaring
  • Social
  • Sociological
  • Sociopathic
  • Socratic
  • Soft
  • Sole
  • Solid
  • Somber
  • Sonorous
  • Soothed
  • Soothing
  • Sophisticated
  • Sorrowful
  • Sorrowing
  • Sorry
  • Sounding
  • Soundless
  • Southern

Adjectives that Start with Sp

  • Spacious
  • Spangled
  • Sparkling
  • Spastic
  • Spatial
  • Spavined
  • Special
  • Specifiable
  • Specific
  • Specious
  • Speculative
  • Speechless
  • Speedy
  • Spendable
  • Spermicidal
  • Spinal
  • Spiny
  • Spiral
  • Spirited
  • Spiritual
  • Spirituous
  • Spiteful
  • Splendid
  • Splenetic
  • Splenic
  • Split
  • Splitting
  • Spoilable
  • Spoiled
  • Spoken
  • Spongy
  • Spontaneous
  • Spooky
  • Sporadic
  • Sporting
  • Sportive
  • Sporty
  • Spotless
  • Spotted
  • Spotty
  • Spread
  • Sprigged
  • Springy
  • Spry
  • Spumy
  • Spunky
  • Spurious

Adjectives that Start with Sq, St

  • Squally
  • Square
  • Squinty
  • Stable
  • Stacked
  • Stagnant
  • Stainable
  • Standing
  • Stannic
  • Stannous
  • Starchy
  • Staring
  • Stark
  • Starlit
  • Starred
  • Starry
  • Starving
  • Stated
  • Statewide
  • Static
  • Stationary
  • Statistical
  • Statuary
  • Steady
  • Stealthy
  • Steamy
  • Stearic
  • Steerable
  • Stereophonic
  • Stereoscopic
  • Stereotypic
  • Stereotypical
  • Sterile
  • Sternal
  • Sticky
  • Stiffest
  • Stigmatic
  • Stilted
  • Stimulating
  • Stinging
  • Stingy
  • Stinky
  • Stochastic
  • Stocked
  • Stocky
  • Stoic
  • Stoical
  • Stolid
  • Stoned
  • Stoppable
  • Stoppered
  • Storied
  • Stormy
  • Stouthearted
  • Straggling
  • Strait
  • Strange
  • Strapless
  • Strategic
  • Stratified
  • Straw
  • Stressed
  • Stressful
  • Stretchable
  • Stretched
  • Stretchy
  • Strict
  • Striking
  • Stringy
  • Striped
  • Stripy
  • Strong
  • Structural
  • Strung
  • Stubborn
  • Stubby
  • Studded
  • Studied
  • Studious
  • Stuffed
  • Stumpy
  • Stunning
  • Stunted
  • Stupendous
  • Stupid
  • Stupidest
  • Styptic

Adjectives that Start with Su

  • Subarctic
  • Subclinical
  • Subconscious
  • Subcortical
  • Subcutaneous
  • Subjective
  • Subjunctive
  • Sublimate
  • Sublimated
  • Sublime
  • Sublunary
  • Submarine
  • Submersible
  • Submissive
  • Subnormal
  • Suborbital
  • Subsequent
  • Subservient
  • Substandard
  • Substantial
  • Substantiated
  • Substantive
  • Subtractive
  • Subtropical
  • Subversive
  • Successful
  • Successive
  • Sufferable
  • Suffering
  • Sufficient
  • Suffocative
  • Suggestible
  • Suggestive
  • Suicidal
  • Suitable
  • Sulfuric
  • Sulfurous
  • Summative
  • Summery
  • Sumptuary
  • Sumptuous
  • Sunburnt
  • Sundry
  • Sunken
  • Sunny
  • Super
  • Superb
  • Supercilious
  • Superficial
  • Superfine
  • Superior
  • Superlative
  • Supernal
  • Supernormal
  • Supersonic
  • Superstitious
  • Supplemental
  • Supportable
  • Supportive
  • Supposable
  • Suppositional
  • Suppositious
  • Supranational
  • Sure
  • Sure-fire
  • Surficial
  • Surgical
  • Surmountable
  • Surplus
  • Surprised
  • Surprising
  • Surrealistic
  • Surreptitious
  • Surrounding
  • Survivable
  • Suspected
  • Suspicious
  • Sustainable

Adjectives that Start with Sw

  • Swampy
  • Swank
  • Swanky
  • Swarthy
  • Sweet
  • Swishy

Adjectives that Start with Sy

  • Sycophantic
  • Syllabic
  • Symbolic
  • Symbolical
  • Symmetric
  • Symmetrical
  • Sympathetic
  • Sympatric
  • Symphonic
  • Symphonious
  • Symptomatic
  • Synaptic
  • Synclinal
  • Syncopated
  • Syncretic
  • Syndetic
  • Synergetic
  • Synergistic
  • Synesthetic
  • Synonymous
  • Synoptic

Adjectives Starting with S | Images

909 Adjectives that Start with S (S Adjectives in English) • 7ESL (2)Pin

909 Adjectives that Start with S (S Adjectives in English) • 7ESL (3)Pin

Resources Related to Adjectives with S

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Emma Grace

We at 7ESL are dedicated to empowering English learners with cutting-edge AI technology. Our innovative applications assist users in speaking English fluently and enhancing their writing skills. We provide a wealth of resources and tools to help learners at every level master the English language.

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909 Adjectives that Start with S (S Adjectives in English) • 7ESL (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.