30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (2024)

Parental Queries

By Kajal Shah | 5 September 2023 09:51 AM

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (4)

There are days when kids are stuck inside the house often due to weather or other numerous reasons. To keep them engaged in some activities behind the close doors is a little challenging.

Playing indoor games is quite a good idea during such times. Here is a list of the ultimate best 30 indoor games for kids that will keep them entertained.

1. Hide and Seek

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (5)

Hide and seek is an indoor game often played by kids. This game can be played by people of all ages.

To play hide and seek you need to count the number from 1 to 10 by closing your eyes. Till then, other players will hide at different places inside the house.After that, you will just need to open your eyes and try to search for the hidden kids or players.

If you are able to search all members from the front side until the other partner searches you, you will be announced as a winner.

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2. Ballon In The Air

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (6)

Ballon in the air is a fun and easy game for kids.This game can be played by making a group of two to three children with a single ballon in each group.

The objective is to keep the balloon in the air without letting it touch the ground. Kids need to take turns to bat upward in sequence.

3. Balloon People

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (7)

Balloon People is the perfect indoor game that can be played inside during rainy days by mixing balloons and creativity.

To play this game you need to have a variety of ballon colors, markers, and stickers. Kids can decorate those colorful balloons with markers and design their own ideas on balloons. Some kids also stitch paper feet and hands but need to pay attention as it can burst if not placed properly.

4. Duck, Duck, Goose

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (8)

To play Duck, Duck, Goose, there should be a minimum of 6 players. Out of six, chose someone to be a goose and other kids needed to sit in the circle.

After that, the goose will walk around the circle by tapping each kid and calling duck, "Duck, duck, duck". The old Goose will run around the circle by placing himself on the vacant seat before the new Goose can Catch them.

5. The Floor is Lava

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (9)

The floor is lava played within the time frame of 5 seconds. In the 5 seconds, you should pretend that the floor is lava and jump on the paper sheet without touching the floor.

After that, play a piece of music and encourage players to freeze themselves when the music is turned off. After 5 seconds, if someone still has any contact with the ground, then they lose.

6. Alphabet Games

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (10)

If someone is looking for theme games, then Alphabet Games is one indoor game. These types of games are categorized under spoken Quiz games.

For this category of game, you need to choose a theme of that category, take turns with the letter of the alphabet, and come up with things in the theme. For example, suppose the theme chosen is Animal then you would have an anteater, baboon, carp duck, etc.

7. Two Truths and A Lie

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (11)

Two Truths and A Lie is a short, fun game that is just a comfortable game to play indoors with family members. To keep kids engaged, it is a highly recommended game.

To begin this game, one kid must make three statements at a time about themselves, where he/she will provide one lie and two truths. The trick is that everyone should guess which information is true and which is false.

8. Scavenger Hunt

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (12)

Scavenger hunt game is based on the discovery of things. You can let kids play either with a handwritten list or by typing on a computer and distributing print-out copies of the clues.

For some kids, it's time-consuming if they do not find the word in the maximum time, so it's necessary to have clues below each item.

You May Like: 50+ Hard Indoor Scavenger Hunt Riddles With Answers

9. Puzzle Piece Hunt

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (13)

Puzzle piece hunt is interesting to play with kids. To play this game, you should hide the puzzle when your child is not looking around.

You can hide those puzzle pieces in different locations like a dining room chair, behind the couch, under a book, on kitchen slabs, etc. Then let the children search for those pieces and collect them on the table and continue to search more.

10. Indoor Bowling

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (14)

To play indoor bowling, a step-by-step method can be applied where a child can feel easy to play within a group.

For this, fill the plastic bottles with small pieces of toys to make the bottles weigh them down. Set up the plastic bottle in a row with as many numbers as you wish.

Then take about 7-10 steps away from the plastic bottle pins and roll the ball on the ground toward the pins. Finally, a child can try to knock over as many pins as possible.

11. Touch-and-Feel Boxes

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (15)

Touch-and-Feel Boxes is one of the best indoor games for kids that make a sense of touch. This game makes them feel of association of information on how the object looks.

To play this game with kids, start by putting objects in the container that the child must reach and identify by touch. Shoe boxes work well as they can be easily cut by scissors and do not let light through. Place an object in each box and let the kids take turns to guess what are the things inside the boxes.

12. Bubbles

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (16)

Playing bubble games for kids seems to be outdoor games, but these games can be played indoor to make the child engaged for an hour by their parents.

For the game, kids can start with items like plates, straws, soap, etc. On a plate place a coin-sized dish soap. Mix with water until suds form. After that place a straw end part down into the suds so that a layer of suds can form. Kids can slowly be blowing a very little bubble to start and increase the sizes.

13. Hot Potato

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (17)

Hot Potato as indoor can be a little giggly, so be warned! It is great though because it is one of those games that keep kids occupied for over an hour.

To play this game, one can start with a softball or rolled-up socks. After that, toss it to a child and instruct them to toss that ball to someone else as quickly as possible. Each child can repeat this.

If you want to play the game with enough children then you can also add up the music while tossing the object. Stop the music at the last child to touch. Repeat unless there is only one child left.

14. Charades

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (18)

If you have not played this game, then you need to. This game is all about the acting on which phrases or no spoken word are used.

The game starts with a bowl of phrases or titles on a sheet of paper. In turn, each player will draw a slip from the bowl and act according to the title/phrases by using body movements. Other players will try to guess the title/or phrases. The kids who give correct answers will have extra points.

15. Dominoes

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (19)

Dominoes are small rectangular tiles shaped to boost creative development. You can keep your little child busy by letting them build, stack, and sort a set of dominoes.

To play this game, a kid can match the dots to the other dots of dominos tiles. Each tile has a dividing line with different dots like pips, dobs, and nips on each side. After the completion of a domino trail, one domino in the beginning is pushed in such a way that all other dominos fall in a sequence.

16. Glass Marble Roll

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (20)

If the kids like to play something challenging, then glass marble roll is one of them. It is one of the indoor games that can help your child to boost concentration and mind development.

To play this game, you need to have cardboard and cut some square holes on a large side. Then you need to place some numbers above the holes and choose your turns. After that, start sliding your marbles. Kids who will pass the marbles from the hole with the higher number will win the game.

17. Marble Toss

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (21)

Marble toss is a simple and creative game that can be played indoor. Marbles are cheap and can be of different design and colour which attract the kids to play.

To play this game, all you need to have is a simple basket, one large marble, and 20 same colored marbles for every player. After allocating marble to everyone, one should toss the marble, and the marble will serve as a marker. The winner will toss the next marble to the first marker. Each player has their own turn, and they can toss the marble by making a distance-specific goal.

18. Counting Dice

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (22)

Counting dice is one of the popular games all over the world. This game is appropriate for all young kids who are able to roll the dice.

For this fun game, you need to have six dice and a score sheet where each player will roll all six dice. You can count the points that are assigned for each number combination depending on what you roll for your first turn. You can also re-roll some dice to retry and receive more points before passing to the next player.

19. Toilet Paper Roll Cars

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (23)

Everyone has toilet paper in their house. Have you ever wondered what can be exciting with a never-ending supply of toilet paper rolls? Yes, it's a toilet paper roll car game.

To play this game, all you need is to have toilet paper which you can paint, roll with cardboard, pens, etc. You can design and design them according to the player's wants. After that, you can have fun making them even by racing them on the table, ground, shelves, showcase, sofa, bed, couch, etc.

20. Car Painting

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (24)

Car painting is one of the games that can be played by kids to make them engaged indoors.

To play this game, you need to have different sized cars and you can use different colors of paint to make beautifully decorated tracks. This could make great art and creativity for kids' bedrooms.

21. Head Full Of Numbers

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (25)

Head Full of Numbers is one math-related game that is amazing at helping kids learn maths skills. These games are popular for social skills creating and having fun.

To play this game, one needs to have dice. The dice contains numbers from one to nine. The rule is to add, subtract, multiply, and divide to win. If the answer on dice comes with an accurate number, then he will be announced as the winner.

22. Balance Beam

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (26)

Balance beam is one of the amazing indoor games for kids. It is one of the recommendable games as it improves self-confidence, learning stability, and a sense of reaction.

To play this game, make a balance beam with masking tape or blue painter's tape and take turns walking on it. You can also make a long balance beam with line making or blue painter's tape. Make it shorter or longer or add zig-zags. Now you can start the fun by walking across it.

23. Sock Ball Soccer

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (27)

Playing with socks sounds reaally fun! We can engage our children or kids in indoor games by making them play with a variety of objects that are already available in-house. For this, sock ball soccer is a good idea.

To play this game, you can use the old lone socks or mismatched socks by folding them into a ball. Now, you have soccer balls made up of sock and play it by acting like a soccer player.

24. Sock Graph

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (28)

The sock graph is an easy and affordable indoor game that makes parents engage their children. The young learners' parents can use this knowledge to bring them to data management practice.

The game is just like sorting, graphing, and counting. To play this game, you can tape the paper down with painter's tape. In the next steps add felt squares to the bottom of the graph. At last, place the socks or your playing partner will graph to the left.

25. Glow in The Dark Egg Hunt

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (29)

Your kids will be thankful for bringing the coolest game-playing idea. Glow in Drak Egg Hunt is a totally indoor game that parents can make their kids engage with.

To play this game, you will need to start by gathering materials of time that is plastic eggs and glow-in-the-dark rings. You can turn on the eggs when you are ready to play and then stick the rings inside the eggs. Then rings inside shut by hiding the eggs around your house.

26. Paper Bag Skits

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (30)

Paper Bag Skits are one of the indoor games, mostly played in larger groups. Mom and dad can play this game with their kids to make them feel quite fun. They can also use this game strategy to make their kids engaged when they are stuffed with other activities.

To play this game, divide the kids into groups by giving them a bag filled with props like a spoon, toy, sock, ball, ribbon, jewelry, plastic utensils, etc. Then, you can give your kids a time of 15 minutes to construct the props.

27. Freeze

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (31)

Freeze game can be played both indoors and outdoors. But indoors is mostly played because it gives space and a hiding place to play for kids with their parents.

Play your kids' favorite tune and turn on the volume. Ask them to dance with the music until the music stops. When the music stops, they have to freeze in whatever position they are. If they move, they loose. You can also ask them to have challenging positions like animals, yoga postures, etc. to make the game more interesting.

28. Dots and Squares

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (32)

Dots and Squares game is played by drawing a grid of dots on paper. By using lined paper or graph one can make it easy to draw. Then the kids can draw a line connecting two dots. The second kid also draws two connecting dots lines.

In the end, the last person gets to complete a certain shape like a square then he/she becomes the winner. This can be done repeatedly and most square claimers will be announced as winners.

29. Building Words

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (33)

Building words is quite an interesting game for kids old enough to read and write.

To play this game, the first player writes a word on the paper whatever comes in his mind. The next players add letters to make a longer word. If someone is not able to do so, this can be challenging and what makes the game more interesting.

30. Hopscotch

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (34)

Hopscotch is a traditional game where you need to create a hopscotch grid with chalk. Now get a stone and ask the kid to toss it on the square created by chalk.

Next, you need to jump over the square and complete the grid. While returning, the player need to pick up the chalk and repeat the same for second square.

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As an expert and enthusiast, I don't have personal experiences or expertise, but I have been trained on a wide range of topics and can provide information on various subjects. Based on this article, here is information related to the concepts used:

Indoor Games for Kids

Indoor games are a great way to keep kids entertained and engaged when they are stuck inside the house due to weather or other reasons. The article lists 30 indoor games for kids that can provide hours of fun. Some of the games mentioned include:

  1. Hide and Seek: A classic game where one person closes their eyes and counts while others hide, and then they try to find the hidden players.
  2. Balloon in the Air: A game where kids try to keep a balloon in the air without letting it touch the ground.
  3. Duck, Duck, Goose: A game where one person walks around a circle tapping others and calling them "ducks" until they choose someone to be the "goose" who chases them.
  4. The Floor is Lava: A game where players pretend the floor is lava and try to jump onto objects without touching the ground.
  5. Alphabet Games: Games where players take turns coming up with words or items in a specific category that start with each letter of the alphabet.
  6. Scavenger Hunt: A game where players search for items or clues based on a list or riddles.
  7. Puzzle Piece Hunt: A game where puzzle pieces are hidden, and players search for them to complete the puzzle.
  8. Indoor Bowling: A game where players set up plastic bottles as pins and roll a ball to knock them down.
  9. Charades: A game where players act out words or phrases without speaking, and others try to guess what they are acting out.
  10. Hopscotch: A game where players jump on a hopscotch grid drawn on the floor.

These are just a few examples, but the article provides a total of 30 indoor games for kids to enjoy.

Note: The article mentioned in your question is not available to me, so I am providing information based on the concepts you mentioned. If you have any specific questions or need more information on a particular game or concept, feel free to ask!

30 Indoor Games for Kids That Will Keep Them Entertained (2024)


What are indoor game answers? ›

Indoor games include chess, card games, games played with gamesmen and dice and carrom.

What is 10 indoor games? ›

Popular Indoor Games
ChessA strategic board game for two players.
TwisterA game involving balancing on colored circles.
Snakes and LaddersA dice game on a board with snakes and ladders.
CheckersA two-player strategy game on a checkered board.
CarromA tabletop game of flicking disks into pockets.
5 more rows
Mar 18, 2024

What are the best indoor games for kids? ›

The top 5 best indoor games for kids
  1. Treasure hunt: Exploring and problem-solving. ...
  2. Simon says: Listening and following instructions. ...
  3. Story building: Unleashing the imagination. ...
  4. Puzzle race: Cognitive development and fine motor skills. ...
  5. Freeze dance: Physical activity and emotional expression.
Apr 18, 2024

What is a 1 minute game? ›

One minute games are fun activities requiring participants to complete a challenge within sixty seconds. Examples include the Gravity Game, Lonely Socks, and Scoop It Up. These games make excellent team building activities since they require a few supplies and a short time to plan.

What is the five indoor game? ›

Five popular indoor games are chess, table tennis, Scrabble, charades, and Monopoly. These games are great for entertainment and can be played inside the house.

Which is your favorite indoor game answer? ›

Chess is a great game that I used to enjoy playing as a child. It is a game of skill, strategy and wit, and I learned many important life lessons while playing it. Playing Chess with my family was a great way to bond and spend quality time together.

What is the most popular indoor game in the world? ›

The most popular of all such games today is chess. Chess is a game of great skill that calls for the ability to plan moves and recognize threats several steps ahead. Each player has an 'army' of 16 pieces with which to fight a battle.

What are old fashioned children's indoor games? ›

Indoors, play timeless old games like Charades, Hide and Go Seek, or Sardines. Other great indoor games include Jacks, marbles, and the feather game, where children blow a feather to try to keep it in the air. Keep a few of these old-school, classic games to play with children in your parenting arsenal.

What is the name 10 game for kids? ›

This game involves groups of students working together to come up with lists of 10 things that fit into different categories. You can use it in a lot of different ways, but this particular version is meant to get Family Groups to start working together (and to later reflect on how they did).

What are some fun games for family indoors? ›

Board Games: Classics like Monopoly, Scrabble, Ludo, Snakes and Ladder are great options. Hide and Seek: A timeless favorite where one person hides and the others seek. You can take turns being the seeker. Indoor Obstacle Course: Create a mini obstacle course using cushions, chairs, and other household items.

What is the most kid friendly game? ›

With that, here are our picks for the best kids' video games on all current platforms.
  • Among Us. 4.0. $0.00 at Apple App Store. ...
  • Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs. 3.5. ...
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons. 4.0. ...
  • Blanc. 3.5. ...
  • Crossy Road. $0.00 at Apple App Store. ...
  • Cuphead. 4.0. ...
  • Disney Dreamlight Valley. $29.99 at Steam. ...
  • Disney Illusion Island. 3.5.

How to make 30 Seconds game? ›

The game is played with two or more teams of at least two players. Each round one player picks a card and has 30 seconds to describe the five objects, people or places written on the card without revealing the card or saying any part of the name.

What is beat the clock game? ›

Beat the Clock is an American television game show that involves people trying to complete challenges to win prizes while faced with a time limit. The show was a creation of Mark Goodson-Bill Todman Productions.

What is 30 Seconds board game? ›

30 Seconds is a fast-paced general knowledge game. Players generally play in teams of two or four. One player must guess a word from their teammate's explanation, much like Charades, with the aim to guess as many possible answers in 30 seconds.

What are examples of indoor games? ›

10 Indoor Games For Children That They Will Love!
  • Balancing Game. There's no better way for a child to develop motor skills and balance while having fun than with this colorful balancing game. ...
  • Bowling. ...
  • Pictionary. ...
  • Follow the leader. ...
  • Puzzles. ...
  • Freeze. ...
  • Props. ...
  • Treasure Hunt.
Jan 5, 2024

What is this indoor game? ›

Indoor games include chess, card games, games played with gamesmen and dice and carrom.

What are outdoor game answers? ›

Cricket, Football, and Hockey are the outdoor games. Many of these outdoor sports are team sports and playing them improves our creativity, social and leadership skills and also our ability to work as part of a team.

How do you explain indoor games? ›

Indoor games and sports are a variety of structured games or competitive physical exercises, typically carried out either at home, in a well-sheltered building, or in a specially constructed sport venue such as a gym, a natatorium, an arena or a roofed stadium.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.